The SLH store is equal parts showroom and workshop, with staff multi-tasking between sales and service / repairs. When duty calls we perform all manner of service and repair work on Hobie kayaks, although we don’t have a dedicated “service team” like you might find in a car dealership. This means that we handle work on repairs and service when we can get to it, not at the drop of a dime.
There are often times when we can quickly resolve an issue on the spot if its quick and easy, but some other jobs are fiddly and can take hours to complete which is one of the reasons we often tell customers that they will need to leave their kayak with us and come back when we’ve notified them that the kayak is ready for collection.
We charge an hourly rate for service and repair work ($80 per hour) and it’s worth pointing out that if we need to spend time de-cluttering and cleaning up your kayak before we can even get started this really just slows us down even more and can result in a higher labour charge. So in order to make sure we can work on your kayak effectively and efficiently you can help us (and yourself) by preparing your kayak before bringing it in. Here’s a simple list of the things you could and should do before bringing your kayak in for repair or service work:
Clean out and de-clutter your kayak
- If there is water pooled up inside the hull, save us the time by draining it in advance
- If the inside of your hull smells like the innards of a rotting fish do everyone a favour and hose it out and then air it out
- De-clutter the deck and inside the hull. Remove all of the accessories attached to and stored in your kayak. The more gear you’ve got attached to the deck or shoved inside the hull the more likely it is that it will just get in our way and slow us down