Mirage Kayak Backrest Seat

From: $179.00

Backrest seats for Hobie Miragedrive pedal-powered kayaks. Choose from expanding plug (older) or twist-lock (newer) plug-in adapter types

Hobie Mirage Kayak Backrest Seats

Hobie Mirage Kayak Backrest Seats are designed to plug into the seat well in Hobie Mirage Pedal kayaks built prior to 2015. Choose from expanding plug type (for earlier models up to 2011) and Twist-Lock type (for 2012-2014 year models)


  • Hobie Kayak Backrest Seat Twist Lock, Part# 81269001 – compatible with 2012 – 2014 model Hobie kayaks (shown above)
  • Hobie Mirage Kayak Seat Expanding Plug, Part# 81268 – Compatible with early year style models up to 2011 (expanding plugs shown below)
  • Hobie Mirage Inflatable Series (original models), Part# 79052007 – Compatible with all old model Hobie Inflatable kayaks with cloth padded seats

Expanding plugs