Customer satisfaction is our priority – if you’re not happy, we’re not happy. So rest assured if you purchase from us we’ll do our best to make sure you don’t end up with buyers regret. If you purchase the wrong item, or simply decide you’d rather not keep the item you ordered, simply return it to us within 30 days of purchase for a refund or replacement. See details below.
Items You Decide Not to Keep
If you are dissatisfied with an item for any reason and decide not to use it, we will gladly replace or exchange the item or refund the amount you paid for the cost of the product returned. Please note, postage costs will not be refunded on returns.
You may return items you decide not to keep within 30 days, providing these items are unused and in new saleable condition. You can return items to us in-store or by posting them back to us. If you want us to send back an exchanged or replacement item include a pre-paid self addressed postpack (Australia Post Parcel Post).
Incorrectly Supplied Items
If we sent you the wrong item please contact us via email or by phone to let us know so we can rectify the issue ASAP. In these instances we will send you the correct item (at our expense) and will include a pre-paid self-addressed Parcel Post Satchel for you to send the item back to us.
Items Damaged in Shipping or Defective
Although we package every order carefully to prevent damage in transit, occasionally an item will arrive damaged or defective. Often there is no need to return damaged or defective items. If your goods arrived damaged or are defective in some way, contact us so we can rectify the problem ASAP. Replacements for items damaged in shipping will be shipped at no additional cost.