BerleyPro Outback Bumper Bro


  • Add Marine Goop (adhesive) *

    Marine Goop 2 oz + $19.95
    Marine Goop 3.7 oz + $27.95

SKU 061014 Categories , Brand

Berleypro Bumper Bro Protective Keel Guards for Hobie Outback Kayaks. Choose from 2019+ or earlier models. Add Marine Goop adhesive if required

BerleyPro Outback Bumper Bro Keel Guards

BerleyPro Bumper Bro Outback Keel Guards are durable protective keel guards designed to protect the bow & or stern of your Hobie Outback kayak from scratches, scuffs and general wear and tear. Bow and stern guards available for early model Outbacks, bow guard available for the newer 2019+ Outback.

BerleyPro Outback Bumper Bro Keel Guard

  • Outback 2019+, Part# BP410104 (Pictured above)
  • Outback Bow (old model), Part# BP410107
  • Outback Stern (old model), Part# BP410108

BerleyPro Bumper Bro Install & How TO

More info on BerleyPro Bumper Bro Keel Guards