MD180 Spine Repair Kits


SKU BB4DE9 Category

Repair Kits for Hobie MirageDrive MD180 Spines by Goss Outdoors. Choose from Mod 1 and Mod 2 kits

Goss Outdoors MirageDrive MD180 Spine Repair Kits

Goss Outdoors MD180 Spine Repair / Reinforcement Kits are designed to repair MirageDrive spines with worn sprocket bearing races with more durable ceramic parts. These provide a less expensive alternative to a full spine replacement. Choose from Mod 1 or Mod 2 kits, depending on how badly worn or broken the spine is. Compatible with MD180 and MD180 KU MirageDrives

Goss Outdoors MirageDrive MD180 Spine Repair Kits

Mod 1 Kit

  • Includes an internal sleeve with outer bearing and rear casing. This sleeves into the new rear casing that houses the new bearing. This is the best option for drives that are badly worn, fractured or broken away at the rear end of the sprocket itself.

Spine Roller Bearing MOD 1 Installation Video

Mod 2 Kit

  • Includes a large outer bearing that slips over the top of the rear end of the existing sprocket itself and a casing to house it. This is the best option if your drive sprocket is slightly worn and you want to extend its life and restore optimal performance.

Spine Roller Bearing MOD 2 Installation