
Hobie Heavy Duty Wheelcart

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $199.00.

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SKU 80046001 Category Brand

Hobie Heavy Duty Wheel Cart is Hobieโ€™s toughest Plug-in cart and is well suited for hard terrain usage scenarios

Hobie Heavy Duty Wheel Cart

Hobie Heavy Duty WHeel Cart for Kayaks

Hobie’s Heavy Duty Wheel Cart has a much higher weight carrying capacity and tires with tread that is more rugged than other Hobie carts. Tire capacity lists as over 200 lbs per tire. These are a tubeless tire with a rubber outer tire with deep tread pattern.

Not recommended for use on soft fluffy beach sand with medium to large size kayaks (see the alternative Trax 2 beach sand cart). For more information on choosing a Hobie wheel cart, also see: Which Hobie Wheel Cart Should You Get

Hobie Kayak Carts | Best Plug-In Carts for Kayaks